Monday, August 25, 2014

Sweet Corn Festival

a day to jump out of bed and herd the kids straight to the car. the first fall fest of the year and its life or death! sweet corn dunked in butter and salt and pepper to taste, strawberry ice cream for the screamin demon and a forever wished for sprite from the boy who had none.
another fall season barging in on us, handing us many opportunities to get out and keep those traditions alive.
me and nev got hung up in the halloween booth in awe over the beauty (and the prices)! and the realization that our favorite season is smacking us right in the face..swoon
i entered bum in a corn shucking contest and he got right up with the kids ready to compete for whatever corn shucking was. After one head of corn, he left the line insisting on a small break. lol, who's the unschooler here! we opted out and moved on to bigger and better things, like jumping on a hayride and watching the old bearded men cook over the fire, and lusting over fresh homemade sour dough bread that we were $2 short of buying. its all good though, we left happy with ice scream splattered shirts and corn in our teeth, win!
here's to a perfect sunday afternoon and being thankful to live in a place where there are seasons!

 “But then fall comes, kicking summer out on its treacherous ass as it always does one day sometime after the midpoint of September, it stays awhile like an old friend that you have missed. It settles in the way an old friend will settle into your favorite chair and take out his pipe and light it and then fill the afternoon with stories of places he has been and things he has done since last he saw you.” 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Family Camping

this was our first time camping as a family. the kids scattered as soon as we got there and found other earthlings to harass as mama got stuck unloading the car and putting up the tent, (figures)! five other families we didn't know were there for the camp too, everyone got along, and london had a doppleganger! the only way to tell them apart was the color of their shirts!
denver found a boy his age that he called 'the blue boy' because the top of his hair was dyed blue, so denver constantly stalked and interrogated him about what he knew about super mario brothers and the wii system itself.
i think the blue boy and his family were pretty relieved to see us pull away at the end. (shrugs). i bet so did the big lady who sat next to us at dinner and he immediately pointed out to her that she had a 'beast of a meal'. TWICE! its that moment you have to get up and walk away cause you cant hold in the laughter any longer. my poor guy has a way with insulting people in the most innocent way. smh. 
nev got befriended by a little 5yr old korean kid, he stuck to her like glue! when he could'nt find her, he would come to me and just say 'where she'? haha he was so cute! yep, trent, family of 5.
we had an awesome dinner cooked over camp stoves, and banana boats roasted over fire for desert. watched the sun go down as the kids did a skit about the constellations and denver and london were made into kings and queens. night hike in search for owls and where i lost my phone and one child. both were ran back to me by fellow campers in my moment of panic, i don't think i'm ready to do this alone quite yet. 
it was enough fun to last us for a while, but I am glad to be back home in my own bed. and I have a notion everyone's going to bed early tonight!

Aaah, summer - that long anticipated stretch of lazy, lingering days, free of responsibility and rife with possibility. It's a time to hunt for insects, master handstands, practice swimming strokes, conquer trees, explore nooks and crannies, and make new friends.